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Monday, January 10, 2011


So I decided to go ahead and make a family blog, that way anyone who is interested can come and check on how our lifes are going.
   So James and I finally decided after 5 years together (in April) and 3 years married (in may) to try to have a kid. What better time to start a blog then when begining a journey of a family. Plus that way I can look back and remember the little or big things that happen on our way to our new family.
  I am a big believer in what is meant to be is meant to be. I will leave it in Gods hands and see what happens. I am hopeing that this won't be a long process and hope that sometime this year I can meet our little one. Can anyone say baby fever much hehe.
   It is a funny story on how I got James to agree to have kids. Last may (2010) I had bought maturnity insurance but you have a waiting period, they want to make sure your not pregnant when you signed up. I figured it was a 9 month waiting period. So in may I had told James what I did and he agreed in Feb we could try. My friend and neighbor has a 4 month old so this is not helping with  my baby fever. As it's getting closer to January I was wondering to myself what if I got pregnant now, would the insurance null and void my policy. I had decided once the holidays were over I would call the insurance to see when we could try. Low and behold she said we could try whenever. They just wanted to make sure we weren't pregnant when I signed up. I was soooooo excited. Now how to break it to James that we can start trying whenever.
 It was Sunday Janurary 2nd when I had called so I deciede to tell him when we were in bed relaxing. Well that didn't work out. While I was waiting for him to come to be I had fallen asleep. Ok I was bummed but I would try again the next day. So we were laying in bed and I got nervous. James is the typical guy he would wait another 5 years if he could, he wants to have kids when the time is right, he doesn't understand the timing is never right. I finally said "James there is somthing I want to talk to you about". He was like "yeah". I told him "I called the insurance and we could try whenever we wanted. I also said that I didn't want to force this and make it happen, I just wanted it to happen when it happens". His response about 30 seconds of silence. I could tell he was thinking. He then talked about waiting when we can cash a CD we have. I told him that it would work out. I ended the conversation at that. I figured I would let him digest everything.
  So we are now trying to get pregnant. Normally I would'nt want to broadcast it to the world, but I am just soo excited.Whenever we do get pregnant I am going to wait a little bit to make sure we are in the safe zone to tell people, but man that is going to be sooooooo hard.
   So that's where we are at now. Here's hoping to a wonderful 2011 and to new life.