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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

9 Month Check Up

           So I went for my NINE MONTH CHECK UP!!!!! WOW, the time has flown by. Minus the this last month and that's only because I can't wait to meet Nolan. They weighed me in I gained 4 pounds since the 8 and half month check up. Making a total of 26 pounds in 9 months (168). She check me out. I'm not dialated ( I figured, I think he is going to put up a fight to come out) He is still really high on my. His head is down still (Thank god). He is measuring right on time. I asked her how much she thinks he weighs. She said about 5 and half pounds and she estimates a 7 pound baby. (WOOHOO, my body will be happy if it's true). Even though I knew the answer I asked her anyways. I asked if he could come safely now and she said "Absolutly" Now I know he prob. won't come early (being the 1st child) Hell he will prob. stay till 42 weeks. So I am not counting on him coming early but I'm hopeing. I keep telling people he will PISS me off if I go into labor on the 31st and will pop out at exactly midnight. (people say but you will get free stuff) Screw the free stuff give me my tax deduction for 2011. HaHa.   I'm feeling really good. Now if only he would move away from my rib. He has been there for 3 weeks and it doesn't feel good. Other than that things are great. Hopefully he won't make up for being so good in the womb that he's a little hellion when he comes.
      I had my first braxton hicks on friday (12/9) of course they had to come as soon as I got out of the car at work my back starting hurting. So from 11am to about 6ish I had them. Luckily with a hot shower they went away and I was able to enjoy a friends christmas party. I told Nolan you either come out now or stop teasing. I havnt had them sence. But I found out through a family friend that they are actually good because it helps make labor easier. So now I say BRING IT ON!!!!! haha
   This was my last week to teach zumba at the Y in splendora. My good friend christina will be teaching my tues. zumba class there starting next week. I will still go and do a couple songs but she will do most of it. I have two more mondays of teaching zumba at kingwood country club. But those ladies are AMAZING. They love me so much that at this point I don't really use any intensity while teaching I just do the moves and they intensify it themselves. I love that they would rather me do that than have a sub haha. I was even asked by some if I could come back a couple weeks after he's born haha.