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Thursday, July 28, 2011

4 Month Check Up

So I went in for my 4 month check up on July 28th. No Ultrasound this time but I got to hear the heartbeat on the little portable on. What a beautiful sound, especially since I still don't feel pregnant. Just took blood samples and weighed me. Only gained a pound so far. I tried to talk the doctor into letting us find the sex out on Aug. 11th since it's my birthday, that would put me at 18 weeks, but she wanted Aug. 25th at 20 weeks to get all the measurements. So far so good.

Monday, July 11, 2011

New RIde (Kind of)

So James had offer to buy me a new car but I declined so when I went to Orlando for the week, he had somthing up his sleeve. He decided to fix up my 1990 somthing Toyota Corolla. My dad brought me back from the airport and james at work so I get home and see what looks like a totally new car. He gave it a paint job, new tires, new rims, new mirrors, a spoiler, new grills, new lights, new emblems, tinted the windows. IT looks like a new car. He told me life is full of compromises. I thought that was really sweet. I will post pictures soon.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Conversations with a 4 year old

So I live next door to an amazing woman (who I call my sister because I spend almost everyday with) and her family of 3 kiss and a hubby. Her almost 4 year old son Jonathan is hilirious, (but what 4 year old isn't) Sandy told him that I was pregnant and when he found out the baby is in my belly he ask "Why she eat the baby" I think that is ADORABLE. Whenever I see him and we talk about the baby he comes up with the cutest things.

He ask on many occasions again "Why you eat the baby"
"How did the baby get in your belly" and I tell him god put the baby there

Last night was HILIRIOUS, his sister amanda patted her belly and Jonathan ask "Does Amanda have a baby in her tummy" and Sandy so "NOOOOOO, NO WAY" and I said "Only married people have babies"
Sandy Said "Yes you have to be married to have a baby" I told him "It's the law" then he was so cute and said" When I get married I will have a baby in my belly" Sandy" No honey only girls have babies in the belly, guys never do, guys help with the baby" I thought it was hilirous he thought he would have a baby.

Another time he asked me "how I'm going to get the baby out, if I was going to poop it out" Hahaha

I asked him what I should name the baby if it's a girl since one day it will be his wife.  His answers

"Roofi" we ask "Why" he said " Because the roof up there"
"BooBoo Beer" was another name

I love to hear the things that come out of kids mouths, for the most part they are soooo cute. I am sure mine will embarass me at times to with their words. :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

3 Month UltraSound

           So I had my 3 month sonogram today at 1030. I was told to hold my bladder, I was not looking foward to that. I woke up at 9ish and forced myself to go back to sleep because I really had to go to the bathroom. I got there and was hoping that the wait wouldn't be that long. I was called back and the tech put the wand on my belly and she told me my bladder was to full she had told me to go get rid of ALL of it. I was like WTH what was the point of holding it if she wanted me to get rid of all of it. I came back and we tried it again. There on the screen was my baby. I was expecting a blob like 3 weeks ago, but in THREE WEEKS time it went from a blob to a BABY. Everytime the tech put the wand on my belly the baby kept jumping, it was so cute, even the tech laughed. She showed me the arms, legs, head, heartbeat. It was 158. Prob. a girl :)
After the sonogram I had to wait in the waiting room for my 1130 doc. apt. Once I was called back again they just went over the blood work and said everythng was fine. I made a apt. for July 28th with no sonogram :( and then from there I am thinking an apt for 3 weeks later to find out the SEX!!!!!!

I went across the street and got blood drawn, one of many experiences to come. I went to Bill's Cafe and got a couple hamburgers and fries to bring back to the Doctor. They found at the first apt. where I work adnd they love the food so I told them I would bring them food from Bill's next time. Hey you gotta take of the people who are taking care of you and the baby. The doctor hugged me for bringing the food.Went to James work to show him the pictures of our baby. Stayed there about 2 hours talking with his co-workers. Came home. So everything is looking good. I love my new pictures of my baby. 7 months left.

It was funny I was about to start my zumba class and I annouce what I always say. "Ya''ll are going to hear this for the next 7 months, I am 3 months pregnant and I can't be as high intensity" So one of my regulars who is a womana and a mother said "wait if your 3 month, then how do you have 7 months left?" I was like well it's 10 months of pregnacy" She gave me a weird look, luckily christina said "you know 40 weeks" I  just wanted to be like if your confused I can explain it to you after zumba. Luckily she dropped it and I was able to start class. Crazy people :)