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Monday, July 4, 2011

Conversations with a 4 year old

So I live next door to an amazing woman (who I call my sister because I spend almost everyday with) and her family of 3 kiss and a hubby. Her almost 4 year old son Jonathan is hilirious, (but what 4 year old isn't) Sandy told him that I was pregnant and when he found out the baby is in my belly he ask "Why she eat the baby" I think that is ADORABLE. Whenever I see him and we talk about the baby he comes up with the cutest things.

He ask on many occasions again "Why you eat the baby"
"How did the baby get in your belly" and I tell him god put the baby there

Last night was HILIRIOUS, his sister amanda patted her belly and Jonathan ask "Does Amanda have a baby in her tummy" and Sandy so "NOOOOOO, NO WAY" and I said "Only married people have babies"
Sandy Said "Yes you have to be married to have a baby" I told him "It's the law" then he was so cute and said" When I get married I will have a baby in my belly" Sandy" No honey only girls have babies in the belly, guys never do, guys help with the baby" I thought it was hilirous he thought he would have a baby.

Another time he asked me "how I'm going to get the baby out, if I was going to poop it out" Hahaha

I asked him what I should name the baby if it's a girl since one day it will be his wife.  His answers

"Roofi" we ask "Why" he said " Because the roof up there"
"BooBoo Beer" was another name

I love to hear the things that come out of kids mouths, for the most part they are soooo cute. I am sure mine will embarass me at times to with their words. :)

1 comment:

  1. I just love reading your stories. It was adorable what Jonathan said. Gotta keep this blog for the baby book. xooxox
