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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

3d Sonogram

So I went for my 3d sonogram at 1130 this morning. James took the morning off so go with me along with my mom, and grandmother. James and I decided to go grab breakfast at Dennys right by the doctors office. It was nice because we hardly ever get to have breakfast together. After eating we headed to the doctors office and I was happy that my mother and grandmother could be there. (I have 3 times to get a good photo of Nolan) So we went back into the room and if we didn't know what the sex was already we would have figured it out as soon as she put the wand on my belly. Right away he showed off his manhood. Of course with any father I think James was happy his son had a big manhood. ( I had to remind him that everything is magnafied) It was so amazing to see what he is going to look like. We all noticed he had a huge nose but again had to remind that it's magnafied and also between the wand being smooched into my belly and the baby being smooched in my belly things look bigger.
  I swear the tech was going to make me pass out. I have never passed out so I don't know what happens, but all of a sudden I was so sweaty, and I could not breath, and I could hear the blood pumping in my ear. I didn't want to say anything because at first Nolan was hiding but then showed half his face so I didn't want to move in case we lost his picture. But I told her and I rolled on my side and it was alot better. The tech said that I could come back for try 2 since he hid half his face. I was like well hell if I can come back for free why not. I went back the next day (wed. at 4)
  When I went back the next day, Christina came with me which was nice to share with friends. At first Nolan was facing towards my spine but he did eventaully move. He hide the other side of his face, But I got to see my baby again. The tech told me I could come back for my 3rd try so I scedualed it for a week from today. It's so amazing to see how far technology has come. I can't wait for January to meet my baby boy    


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