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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving/God parents

I am always thankful for everything I have. I can not complain. This year I am especally thankful. I am 8 months 1 week yesterday. We spent thanksgiving at Terry's house like we always do. It's my favorite place to be. I knew from the beging of the pregnacy that I wanted Terry and Paul to be godparents to Nolan. They have been apart of my life since I was born. They have amazing family values, always doing things together as a family, and are the most giving people I have ever met. There was no doubt in my mind who would be Nolans godparents. I thought that Thanksgiving would be the perfect time to ask them. I would be 8 months and I wanted the world to know how much I care.
  Every year we say a prayer before dinner so I knew this would be perfect. I practiced what I would say. (when the spotlight is only on me I get really shy) So it's time to eat and we are gathering around to say the prayer, My hearts beating, there are 15ish people there. My mom got done with the prayer and I asked if I could say somthing. UM YEAH....EVERYTHING I practiced in my head went out the window. (also when ever I am confronted or put on the spot I tear up. I hate this but it happens) So I blabb somthing about Terry's been apart of my life for 29 years and even though we are not blood this is my family. James and I were wondering if Terry and Paul would be the godparents to Nolan. And of course I cried and teared up and messed up the whole speech. Needless to say they said yes, and I think it's a wonderful thing.

Here is what I wanted to say.

   "This year has been filled with ups and downs. We lost an AMAZING woman this year who will never be forgotten, but we have been blessed with 3 miracles of life (Helen,Me, Brittney) Even though we are not blood, this is the only family I have known, for 29 years I have grown up with yall and have seen all the ups and downs. If we have learned anything from this year it is how precious life is and how we shouldn't take it for granted. How as a family we should stick together. I love this family, and the family values that Terry and Paul bring. I want Nolan to grow up knowing this. James and I were wondering uf Terry and Paul would be Nolans godparents."

SO that is what I wanted to say, instead you got a blubbering idiot haha. It was an amazing thanksgiving and I look foward to so many more.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah you are such a kind and sentimental person, you are going to be a wonderful mommy. I am so happy for you James and Nolan. Congrats.
