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Saturday, February 4, 2012

1 Month

Nolan turned one month on saturday. I know time goes fast and I am enojoying every second of it. He's been an amazing boy. Sleeps 2,5 to 3 hours, of course I don't get that much sleeping. I am always waking up checking on him. He's been sleeping in bed with us. We put the moses basket inbetween us. Tomorrow James is setting up the baby monitor which has a breathing pad which will set off an alarm if he happens forget to breath. I will def. sleep better when thats up.
  It's been an amazing month getting to know my baby boy. It seems like since day one he's been so strong with his neck and leg muscle. He will turn his neck/head from side to side and can lift his head for a  good amount of time. He is also great at scooting upwards. he will be low on my abdomine and scoot up to my chin. Each week he gets stronger and stronger.
  We got a slow start on the weight gain but now he's a pro.

4D:  7.6LB
2W: 7.9LB
3W   8LB
1M   9.4LB

I am breast feeding and have been soooooooooooooooo lucky he was a great latcher. We had no problem.

I think out of the 30 days he has been alive that maybe 4 of them he hasnt had someone hold him. But he is not spoiled by this you can still put him down. He LOVES it on his tummy the best but I am to scared to sleep at night with him like that. Thats why he loves his grandma and great grandma bc they put him on his belly when he is over there (thats almost every day or so) But the always have an eye on him.
  I have 2 more weeks till I go back  to work but it's not that bad bc i only work wed.-fri. I do have to say Nolan has 2 traits I hope he grows out of. 1- omg he is a sweater. wow. i keep  him in a onsie and socks all the time. he is his own little furnis. 2- he can pass gas like crazy!!!!!!!!! ppl always think he's pooping. I'm like nope it's just gas. But it never fails. i change hhis wet diaper and 2 min. after he shits!!!!
  It's been amazing and I want to thank my family and friends for EVERYTHING to help me survive this first month.

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