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Saturday, April 7, 2012

2 Months

 We have a very very busy month being a 2 month old.

          2 months 1 week I finally put him in his crib. I need to start getting some sleep and he needed to learn to sleep alone. He adapted to is sooooooo well. He would go in it about 9ish and wake up about 130ish for a feeding. He did this about 2 weeks. Then at 2 months 3 weeks for the first time he slept 9ish to 6ish. The first night I was like WOW, to bad this is a fluke. Then he did it AGAIN. I'm like woohoo. Needless to say this was not a fluke. He now sleeps 8 to 9ishpm till 7 to 9ish am. Now I don't ever really tell anyone or brag because I am soooo afraid karma will get me and he will stop. I am only mentioning this now so that I remember this later on. When I first put him in his crib I of course was sooooooooooo nervous because I place him on his belly only because he will NOT sleep on back or stomach. But thank god my baby monitor has a breath alarm AND video. Otherwise my ass would be in his room every 5 min. So because of the video all I have to do is open a eye and peek at the monitor see that he is ok and fall back asleep.

I swear he is going to be an olympic swimmer. I place him at the very end of the crib and by morning he is either at the very top or as turned himself around at the top and making his way back down the crib.

 We had a very huge scare this month. I took him to his 2 month check up everything was perfect. Nothing wrong. a couple weeks later I get home from work on thursday night and he felt warm. I took a temperature and it was 100/101ish. This made me nervous never having to deal with this. I went to my moms house and she took a rectal and he ha a temperature. I had baby tylenol and my mom gave it to him. He was not feeling well at all, would not stop crying and just wanted to be held. My mom and grandma helped out and about 1am I took him home. I knew I would call the Dr. first thing in the morning. Good thing I already had off the next day. He hated it when I stood still. So I just rocked him ALL night. I think I slept about 15 min. each hour. He would fall asleep and then wake up screaming. I called at 740 of course they weren't open yet. So exactly at 8am I called and they could see me at 930.

  I get there and they take a x-ray, urine, and blood. I spent all morning there getting the test done. Because he was soo young they didn't want to take any chances. The x-ray came back negative also the urine. They would call later about the blood being negative also. (the nurse at the hospital went to take my blood at first I was like um the kid is the patient hahha)

  Nolan felt 90 percent better, still fussy but I chaulk it up to not enough sleep the night before. So we go to bed friday. We wake up I'm got Nolan in bed and James sees my mom is calling him. He wonders why, and I know it's somthing because she wouldn't call him just because. I reach for my phone and I see she tried calling. I cal her right back and she says Nolan has Pneumonia!!!!! I"m like wait what? how do you know. Not being able to get my thoughts straight. Apprently the Drs had tried to call me but my phone was on silent so they called my mom. THANK GOD. They had given the x-ray to a radiologist and he saw pneumonia.
I call the Drs office right away and they were so sweet and got us in right away to the summerwood office. We went and saw the on call dr. Even the on call Dr. said if I were to have saw him today I would have not know anything was wrong. So I think either the Radiologist saw the very begining of pneumonia or just wanted to cover all bases just incase. He prescribe antibiotics and to come back in 10 days.

  Needless to say Nolan acted fine and was totally fine then and 10 days later. They took x-rays after 10 days and it was fine. I am sooo thankful for the awesome Dr. and whether or not he really did have it he is 100 percent better.

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