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Sunday, June 3, 2012

4 Months

Good by 3 month old, hello 4 month old. Wow the time has gone by fast. Whenever he is taking his 20 min. nap I always want to update but I would rather read or rest for 20 min. Hehe. May was a busy month.

On the May 29th (4 months 3 weeks 1 day) He finally rolled over from back to front!!! I never thought he would do it. He doesn't like his back but is getting better. He has been a master of the front to back since he was 3 months 1 week. But at my mom's house on her floor he did it 5 times!!!!!!

And as of now june 3rd he is rolling up a storm across the livingroom. (As my grandma has told me. We are in San Antonio for our 4 year anniversary.

On May 22nd (4 months 2 weeks 1  day)...( I know I'm anal, I like to know the excact age if I can hehe) He knows who I am. He was sitting on my mom's lap and saw me and smiled and talked and lifted his arms up to me. I figured ok this is a fluke he just happen to put his arms out, but he did this 3 more times. Then I tested it out more and I pretended to leave and he would yell and make a face as he watched me leave, and then would light up and talk to me when I came back in.

I'm trying to get him more independent so I put him in his bouncer play thing and he did great, he kept trying to eat the rabbit and was very entertained.

So my first mothers day fell on Jame's 32nd birthday...What the heck!!!!! and all I wanted was to sleep in. So we compromised. My parents watched Nolan on saturday May 12th while we went out and celebrated Jame's birthday. And James took off from grandpa's on sunday the 13th so we could celebrate mothers day. James woke up with Nolan at 6ish and I slept in for the first time in 5 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally woke up about 10ish.James made me french toast in bed.
 We just hung around for awhile and later on for lunch he took me to Pei Wei and then stoped by his dad's house and then went to my parents house where my dad BBQ'd for us and just hung out. It was a perfect day. James even got me a charm for my pandora box.

May 7th we went for his 4 month check up (Exactly 4 months) he was 24.5 Inches (35%) 14.8lbs (43%) and 17.24 Inch head (87%) he did great. Cried at the shots but once I picked him up he was totally fine.

 He's the best kid ever, and sooooo good and he is def. a very LOVED little boy.

I am very lucky Nolan is still sleeping through the night. He goes to bed between 8 and 9ish and wakes up about 8ish. I am thanking god and praying he continues.

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