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Monday, May 23, 2011

Telling James

So I kept going back and forth in my mind when and how to tell James. I found out on sunday the 8th and his birthday was friday the 13th. So Thursday during afternoon Sandy said to tell him that night that way he has time to digest. I thought it was a good idea that way he could talk to his friends on his weekly friday night dates in the garage with them.During my break from work I went to the mall and bought a "I love Johnny Cash" Onsie and wrapped it. After I got home from work I told him that he should open up on eof his gifts. He said I don't want to it's not my birthday. I was like come on. So he finally agreed, when he pulled the onsie out it was folded so he didn't see the bottom part. He just kindda stared at it, not getting it. I said we are pregnant. James internalizes everything so he just sat there taking it in. I told him our first doctors appointment is Monday June 6th and the due date should be about Jan. 12th. So finally the cat was out of the bag. Now I couldn't wait to tell my parents.

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