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Saturday, June 25, 2011

First Doctors Appt.

8 W 4 D is when this sonogram was taken. We had our first appt. on June 6th. James went with me, I wanted it to be the two of us the first time we got to see our baby. Everything looks good and poor James got the first glimps of what's to come between doctors apt. and delivering. We got to see the tiny heart beat. I was so glad to see a baby. I am not having any symptoms which is great. I am tired more than usual but I welcome that with open arms because I LOVE to sleep. :) The nurse was soooo sweet she made us two copies of the sonogram. I took one home to show everyone and James took it to work and showed all his co-workers.
  Of course being first time parents and having the sonogram  so early it looked like just a blob. I showed Sandy the Ultrasound and she turned it around and then it clicked I actually saw the baby (head,arms,feet) it def. makes a difference when you can see your baby. It was funny when james got home he had put the  picture on the fridge. I then turned it because he didn't know it was the wrong way and he asked why I flipped the picture. I told him and his face lit up as soon as he saw it. He life me actaully got to see the baby. It was so cute he then decided to take the picture back to work to show people the right way. ;).
 I am measureing correctly and I was right the due date is Jan. 12th. the nurse laughed at me when she asked me the first day of my last period. I said I already know it's Jan. 12th and she checked and gave a little chuckle.
  I got back for another sonogram Wed. July 29th. I will be 1 day shy of 3 months :)

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