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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Body after baby

I figured since I kept track of my baby bump with pictures, I'd do the same with the weight loss.


Pregnacy start weight 143

pregnacy end weight 175

total: 32 pounds

unofficial weight 4 Days After: 155

12 pounds to lose :) (one happy mother)

2 Days BEFORE delivery

Home from hospital

1 Week after baby

2 Weeks after baby


  1. You look wonderful and I love you so much. I am so proud of you. BUT Tell Amanda slow down on thoses desserts Hehehheeh xooxoxo

  2. I'm so not going to put my Body After Baby pics up. You're braver than I am. *shiver* I try not to think about the differences.

    You'll be slimmed down in no time. You don't have far to go at all. :)
