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Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Birth of Nolan

So far I have had the perfect pregnacy, never sick, great blood pressure. Aweek or so before Nolan was born (1/7) I got a head colf/runny nose and a bad cough.
   So friday (1/6) at about 11am i started contracting, nothing major about 15 to 20 min. apart. then at 3ish it was 10 to  15 min. Thank god for my ipod app that kept track of it. I knew since these werent going awat i would def have him this weekwmd.From 5pm to 10pm they were 10 min.  Then 10 to 3am the average was about 7ish  min. from 4an to 730am they were 3 to 4 min..
      So around 7ish i went to sandys to get her opinion. She said call dr. I was afraid to go to early and be sent away but also afraid of going to late for a epidural. I called and we went to hospital with sandy.
  I was triaged. Found out I was 3cm with contractions 2 to 4 min. apart. They were gonna monitor me to see what my body would  do. Less than an hour later I was 4cm. They gave me a room a gave me pitocin.Thank god I told Deidra the nurse i wanted epidural at 11. I think it was 1030 at the time.  The anastealogist was sooo busy, I dont think he came till 1ish maybe. It took awhile. Then it took awhile for the on call dr to come break water.
  Once epidural was in (i was scared of a needke going in the back) i felt soooo much better. I could have fallen asleep. They stopped the pitocin when epidural was put in. Dr. broke water and i was already 6 cm. They monitered me and tried to do internal moniters but it didnt work. After watching the monitors and noticing that Nolan was having late d cells. (his hearate dropped with each contraction) I was contracting hard about every min. and contracting hard, Nolan couldnt stand it. Dr. told me I needed emergency c section. I cried a little bc thats bit what i wanted. But the Dr showed proof to my mom it was neccasary. So at 3pm they were gonna take me back, and said he would be born about 315.
  they wheeled me back and preped everything. James came back. I felt my body jiggling like on a rollercoaster and a min. later Nolan was out. ames went over to where they clean him off. The second i heard that beautiful pissed off baby cry I started crying. Hearung you child for the first time, knowing that after 10 long months he is safe and in good hands.
 So james finally brought him to me and as he showed him to me for like 30 sec, he went to walk away. I was like wait!!!!! haha. they sat him in the stool next to me. Took our picture,let me kiss him, and look at him for a second. James went with nurse to nursery, the doctor finished with me.
They wheeled me out and my mom was waiting for me,gave me a hug and of course said he was beautiful. They were wheeling me to postparyum and the nurse stopped by the window of nursery so i could see him. OMG he has sooooo much hair. I didnt know that, James didnt show me. I did not have any heartburn.
They got me setup in my room,hooked me up to the good drugs. I did not relieze it till my friends told me but it was 4 hours till I got to see him. That is not cool.
I am thankful to all my friends and family that stopped by, it helped me get through the day. I dont think Nolan was put down until night time when we sent him to the nursery. I got lucky We got there sat and was told we would leave tues. But my doctor came in early Monday and said I could go home. Woohoo. So sat from 8am to Monday at 3 was our stay.
  Againn I have the best family. We got home and my mom, dad, grandma, sandy cleaned my house from top to bottom. It was nice coming home to that.
 Thank you everone for the prayers and visiting it helped alot.

1 comment:

  1. I will forever remember that special day. For me, it all went by so fast. Except the part when I was waiting for you to come out of the operating room. Everyone immediatly went on to the nursey to see the baby, Nolan. But I would not leave those operating room doors until I seen my baby, YOU!! Once I knew you were ok, I ran to the nursey. James came out and said only the grandparents can come back into the nursey with him. Luckily, I was the first one to go and my little man. He was sucking his fingers. So beautiful and so much hair. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. My heart was full of instant love for our first grandchild. Nolan then lost his fingers to suck on. I went to put his fingers back into his mouth and "KNOCK KNOCK" I heard on the nursey windows. It was Andy West. He was laughing and shaking his fingers at me saying "No No." I smiled and said "Yes Yes" I did not want to leave him. But the others needed their turn. Jim, had bronchitis. He was not able to go into the nursery. In fact, in the labor room with Sarah, he put a mask on to be a part of this beautiful moment and to receive the next genration. Once Nolan and James came from the OR, all I could do is cry. Filling up with so much love and Happiness. Jim and I just embraced each other with happiness. I so wanted to turn around and hug my best friend, Gerry. I know she was there, looking down on this special moment. Thank you Jesus for a healthy grandson and that Sarah was doing so well also. We are truely Blessed.
