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Saturday, June 25, 2011

James was going to give up his truck

James did the most incredable thing ever. He told me he wanted to talk to me and to let him finish his whole deal. He wanted to buy me a new used car, he would drive my corolla and he would sell his truck to buy me a SUV type of car. I thought that was amazingly sweet. James has taken all these years and has customized his truck to fit him. New paint job, new seats, tiny little details. He LOVES his truck. It really made me smile he was willing to sell his truck so that me and the baby to have a safer car.
  In the end I told him we dont need a new used car. My corolla is dependable and if he felt safer about me traveling with the baby I would borrow my grandma's car which is higher. My parents and grandma live across the street so between all of us we have 5 automobiles and my dads motorcyle. Plus I don't travel very far so I'm not  driving the streets of kingwood all the time. It was very sweet of him to offer.
Even his co-workers were shocked that he would give up his truck

First Baby Gift

It was so sweet I had told my friend Christina McDonald that I was pregnant and the next day she wrapped a baby book and gave it to me. That was sooooo sweet. Now my baby can have a keepsake of the journey we are about to take together.

First time food aversion

So I am so lucky that I have no morning symptoms. One day when I was going driving to work I was eating one of those snackpack where you dip the cracker/breadstick into cheese. I had gotten about halfway to work and all of a sudden my mouth starts watering and I feel very nausious. Luckily I have a bag and the second I got it I then preceded to get rid of my snack pack. I had amanda in the car and luckily she doesn't get sick when someone pukes. I was able to drive and puke to work. As soon as I got to work I felt alot better and surprisingly I still wanted to eat the rest but I knew better not to.
That was the first time that I had puked during this pregnancy and I know now not to eat those snack packs.

James is going to be a great dad

So I thought that it would take James sometime to get use to the idea of a baby on the way. He had no problem taking the role of dad to be. Some of the cute things he has done.

We saw Fast Five and the main character told her boyfriend she's pregnant and he kissed her. James looks at me and says "Was I suppose to do that" I was like no. It was very cute.

After the doctors appointment he found out that I shouldn't care over 15 pounds. I was doing the laundry and he took it out of my hands and carried it for me.

He offers to make me dinner alot more.

For our 3rd year wedding anniversary he bought be a baby carriage charm for my pandora braclet.

He told me I better read to the baby so it will be smart. ( I was only 6 weeks)

He was cooking bacon and I stole a peice and he asked "Is bacon safe to eat, it's fatty"

He was trying to figure out how to do the babyroom, where to put the crib. I told him we got atleast a couple more months to figure it out.

So he is defiantly taken this pregnacy very well. He will make a wonderful dat.

First Doctors Appt.

8 W 4 D is when this sonogram was taken. We had our first appt. on June 6th. James went with me, I wanted it to be the two of us the first time we got to see our baby. Everything looks good and poor James got the first glimps of what's to come between doctors apt. and delivering. We got to see the tiny heart beat. I was so glad to see a baby. I am not having any symptoms which is great. I am tired more than usual but I welcome that with open arms because I LOVE to sleep. :) The nurse was soooo sweet she made us two copies of the sonogram. I took one home to show everyone and James took it to work and showed all his co-workers.
  Of course being first time parents and having the sonogram  so early it looked like just a blob. I showed Sandy the Ultrasound and she turned it around and then it clicked I actually saw the baby (head,arms,feet) it def. makes a difference when you can see your baby. It was funny when james got home he had put the  picture on the fridge. I then turned it because he didn't know it was the wrong way and he asked why I flipped the picture. I told him and his face lit up as soon as he saw it. He life me actaully got to see the baby. It was so cute he then decided to take the picture back to work to show people the right way. ;).
 I am measureing correctly and I was right the due date is Jan. 12th. the nurse laughed at me when she asked me the first day of my last period. I said I already know it's Jan. 12th and she checked and gave a little chuckle.
  I got back for another sonogram Wed. July 29th. I will be 1 day shy of 3 months :)