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Saturday, June 25, 2011

James was going to give up his truck

James did the most incredable thing ever. He told me he wanted to talk to me and to let him finish his whole deal. He wanted to buy me a new used car, he would drive my corolla and he would sell his truck to buy me a SUV type of car. I thought that was amazingly sweet. James has taken all these years and has customized his truck to fit him. New paint job, new seats, tiny little details. He LOVES his truck. It really made me smile he was willing to sell his truck so that me and the baby to have a safer car.
  In the end I told him we dont need a new used car. My corolla is dependable and if he felt safer about me traveling with the baby I would borrow my grandma's car which is higher. My parents and grandma live across the street so between all of us we have 5 automobiles and my dads motorcyle. Plus I don't travel very far so I'm not  driving the streets of kingwood all the time. It was very sweet of him to offer.
Even his co-workers were shocked that he would give up his truck

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