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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

9 Month Check Up

           So I went for my NINE MONTH CHECK UP!!!!! WOW, the time has flown by. Minus the this last month and that's only because I can't wait to meet Nolan. They weighed me in I gained 4 pounds since the 8 and half month check up. Making a total of 26 pounds in 9 months (168). She check me out. I'm not dialated ( I figured, I think he is going to put up a fight to come out) He is still really high on my. His head is down still (Thank god). He is measuring right on time. I asked her how much she thinks he weighs. She said about 5 and half pounds and she estimates a 7 pound baby. (WOOHOO, my body will be happy if it's true). Even though I knew the answer I asked her anyways. I asked if he could come safely now and she said "Absolutly" Now I know he prob. won't come early (being the 1st child) Hell he will prob. stay till 42 weeks. So I am not counting on him coming early but I'm hopeing. I keep telling people he will PISS me off if I go into labor on the 31st and will pop out at exactly midnight. (people say but you will get free stuff) Screw the free stuff give me my tax deduction for 2011. HaHa.   I'm feeling really good. Now if only he would move away from my rib. He has been there for 3 weeks and it doesn't feel good. Other than that things are great. Hopefully he won't make up for being so good in the womb that he's a little hellion when he comes.
      I had my first braxton hicks on friday (12/9) of course they had to come as soon as I got out of the car at work my back starting hurting. So from 11am to about 6ish I had them. Luckily with a hot shower they went away and I was able to enjoy a friends christmas party. I told Nolan you either come out now or stop teasing. I havnt had them sence. But I found out through a family friend that they are actually good because it helps make labor easier. So now I say BRING IT ON!!!!! haha
   This was my last week to teach zumba at the Y in splendora. My good friend christina will be teaching my tues. zumba class there starting next week. I will still go and do a couple songs but she will do most of it. I have two more mondays of teaching zumba at kingwood country club. But those ladies are AMAZING. They love me so much that at this point I don't really use any intensity while teaching I just do the moves and they intensify it themselves. I love that they would rather me do that than have a sub haha. I was even asked by some if I could come back a couple weeks after he's born haha.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

8 and a Half Month Check up

I am becoming a pro at these. 8 and a half month check up. Weighed in gained 2 pounds since the 8 month check up. Total of 24 pounds in 8.5 months (164lbs). She measured him he is right on scedualed. And his head is down. Thats always a good thing. :)
  Things have been great. If he would just let off my rib it would be perfect.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving/God parents

I am always thankful for everything I have. I can not complain. This year I am especally thankful. I am 8 months 1 week yesterday. We spent thanksgiving at Terry's house like we always do. It's my favorite place to be. I knew from the beging of the pregnacy that I wanted Terry and Paul to be godparents to Nolan. They have been apart of my life since I was born. They have amazing family values, always doing things together as a family, and are the most giving people I have ever met. There was no doubt in my mind who would be Nolans godparents. I thought that Thanksgiving would be the perfect time to ask them. I would be 8 months and I wanted the world to know how much I care.
  Every year we say a prayer before dinner so I knew this would be perfect. I practiced what I would say. (when the spotlight is only on me I get really shy) So it's time to eat and we are gathering around to say the prayer, My hearts beating, there are 15ish people there. My mom got done with the prayer and I asked if I could say somthing. UM YEAH....EVERYTHING I practiced in my head went out the window. (also when ever I am confronted or put on the spot I tear up. I hate this but it happens) So I blabb somthing about Terry's been apart of my life for 29 years and even though we are not blood this is my family. James and I were wondering if Terry and Paul would be the godparents to Nolan. And of course I cried and teared up and messed up the whole speech. Needless to say they said yes, and I think it's a wonderful thing.

Here is what I wanted to say.

   "This year has been filled with ups and downs. We lost an AMAZING woman this year who will never be forgotten, but we have been blessed with 3 miracles of life (Helen,Me, Brittney) Even though we are not blood, this is the only family I have known, for 29 years I have grown up with yall and have seen all the ups and downs. If we have learned anything from this year it is how precious life is and how we shouldn't take it for granted. How as a family we should stick together. I love this family, and the family values that Terry and Paul bring. I want Nolan to grow up knowing this. James and I were wondering uf Terry and Paul would be Nolans godparents."

SO that is what I wanted to say, instead you got a blubbering idiot haha. It was an amazing thanksgiving and I look foward to so many more.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

7 Month Check up

So I had my 7 month check up and from the 6th to 7th month I have gained 3 pounds making it a total of 16 pounds in 7 months. I'm now 158.7. I am measuring right on time, and passes all my blood test with flying colors she said I didn't even come close to the number for gestational diabetes. I didn't even think I would but there is always that little bit of chance. Plus my friend Amanda L. cooks TONS of desserts and always gives me some. I got to hear his heart beat and from here on out I go every 2 weeks to appointments. 3 more months to go. :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

3d Sonogram

So I went for my 3d sonogram at 1130 this morning. James took the morning off so go with me along with my mom, and grandmother. James and I decided to go grab breakfast at Dennys right by the doctors office. It was nice because we hardly ever get to have breakfast together. After eating we headed to the doctors office and I was happy that my mother and grandmother could be there. (I have 3 times to get a good photo of Nolan) So we went back into the room and if we didn't know what the sex was already we would have figured it out as soon as she put the wand on my belly. Right away he showed off his manhood. Of course with any father I think James was happy his son had a big manhood. ( I had to remind him that everything is magnafied) It was so amazing to see what he is going to look like. We all noticed he had a huge nose but again had to remind that it's magnafied and also between the wand being smooched into my belly and the baby being smooched in my belly things look bigger.
  I swear the tech was going to make me pass out. I have never passed out so I don't know what happens, but all of a sudden I was so sweaty, and I could not breath, and I could hear the blood pumping in my ear. I didn't want to say anything because at first Nolan was hiding but then showed half his face so I didn't want to move in case we lost his picture. But I told her and I rolled on my side and it was alot better. The tech said that I could come back for try 2 since he hid half his face. I was like well hell if I can come back for free why not. I went back the next day (wed. at 4)
  When I went back the next day, Christina came with me which was nice to share with friends. At first Nolan was facing towards my spine but he did eventaully move. He hide the other side of his face, But I got to see my baby again. The tech told me I could come back for my 3rd try so I scedualed it for a week from today. It's so amazing to see how far technology has come. I can't wait for January to meet my baby boy    


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

First two kicks

So I will be 17 weeks tomorrow. I get home from work and lay in bed to eat my Pei Wei and for like 2 seconds I feel two "bubbles" in my lower right side stomach. ( it reminded me of the orzarka bottle when you get water from it and you see the bubbles go up top) It took me a second to process it that this is what I have been waiting for. I doubted myself that maybe it was gas or somthing but the more I think about it the more it didnt feel like anything else. I can't believe that I felt my baby kick. IT was amazing. Short but amazing. I was pressing in that same spot hoping that he or she would do it again.
   Only 22 more days till we know the sex. We don't have any name ideas because I havnt talked it over with James because I didnt want to argue over a name if we dont even know the sex )

Thursday, July 28, 2011

4 Month Check Up

So I went in for my 4 month check up on July 28th. No Ultrasound this time but I got to hear the heartbeat on the little portable on. What a beautiful sound, especially since I still don't feel pregnant. Just took blood samples and weighed me. Only gained a pound so far. I tried to talk the doctor into letting us find the sex out on Aug. 11th since it's my birthday, that would put me at 18 weeks, but she wanted Aug. 25th at 20 weeks to get all the measurements. So far so good.

Monday, July 11, 2011

New RIde (Kind of)

So James had offer to buy me a new car but I declined so when I went to Orlando for the week, he had somthing up his sleeve. He decided to fix up my 1990 somthing Toyota Corolla. My dad brought me back from the airport and james at work so I get home and see what looks like a totally new car. He gave it a paint job, new tires, new rims, new mirrors, a spoiler, new grills, new lights, new emblems, tinted the windows. IT looks like a new car. He told me life is full of compromises. I thought that was really sweet. I will post pictures soon.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Conversations with a 4 year old

So I live next door to an amazing woman (who I call my sister because I spend almost everyday with) and her family of 3 kiss and a hubby. Her almost 4 year old son Jonathan is hilirious, (but what 4 year old isn't) Sandy told him that I was pregnant and when he found out the baby is in my belly he ask "Why she eat the baby" I think that is ADORABLE. Whenever I see him and we talk about the baby he comes up with the cutest things.

He ask on many occasions again "Why you eat the baby"
"How did the baby get in your belly" and I tell him god put the baby there

Last night was HILIRIOUS, his sister amanda patted her belly and Jonathan ask "Does Amanda have a baby in her tummy" and Sandy so "NOOOOOO, NO WAY" and I said "Only married people have babies"
Sandy Said "Yes you have to be married to have a baby" I told him "It's the law" then he was so cute and said" When I get married I will have a baby in my belly" Sandy" No honey only girls have babies in the belly, guys never do, guys help with the baby" I thought it was hilirous he thought he would have a baby.

Another time he asked me "how I'm going to get the baby out, if I was going to poop it out" Hahaha

I asked him what I should name the baby if it's a girl since one day it will be his wife.  His answers

"Roofi" we ask "Why" he said " Because the roof up there"
"BooBoo Beer" was another name

I love to hear the things that come out of kids mouths, for the most part they are soooo cute. I am sure mine will embarass me at times to with their words. :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

3 Month UltraSound

           So I had my 3 month sonogram today at 1030. I was told to hold my bladder, I was not looking foward to that. I woke up at 9ish and forced myself to go back to sleep because I really had to go to the bathroom. I got there and was hoping that the wait wouldn't be that long. I was called back and the tech put the wand on my belly and she told me my bladder was to full she had told me to go get rid of ALL of it. I was like WTH what was the point of holding it if she wanted me to get rid of all of it. I came back and we tried it again. There on the screen was my baby. I was expecting a blob like 3 weeks ago, but in THREE WEEKS time it went from a blob to a BABY. Everytime the tech put the wand on my belly the baby kept jumping, it was so cute, even the tech laughed. She showed me the arms, legs, head, heartbeat. It was 158. Prob. a girl :)
After the sonogram I had to wait in the waiting room for my 1130 doc. apt. Once I was called back again they just went over the blood work and said everythng was fine. I made a apt. for July 28th with no sonogram :( and then from there I am thinking an apt for 3 weeks later to find out the SEX!!!!!!

I went across the street and got blood drawn, one of many experiences to come. I went to Bill's Cafe and got a couple hamburgers and fries to bring back to the Doctor. They found at the first apt. where I work adnd they love the food so I told them I would bring them food from Bill's next time. Hey you gotta take of the people who are taking care of you and the baby. The doctor hugged me for bringing the food.Went to James work to show him the pictures of our baby. Stayed there about 2 hours talking with his co-workers. Came home. So everything is looking good. I love my new pictures of my baby. 7 months left.

It was funny I was about to start my zumba class and I annouce what I always say. "Ya''ll are going to hear this for the next 7 months, I am 3 months pregnant and I can't be as high intensity" So one of my regulars who is a womana and a mother said "wait if your 3 month, then how do you have 7 months left?" I was like well it's 10 months of pregnacy" She gave me a weird look, luckily christina said "you know 40 weeks" I  just wanted to be like if your confused I can explain it to you after zumba. Luckily she dropped it and I was able to start class. Crazy people :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

James was going to give up his truck

James did the most incredable thing ever. He told me he wanted to talk to me and to let him finish his whole deal. He wanted to buy me a new used car, he would drive my corolla and he would sell his truck to buy me a SUV type of car. I thought that was amazingly sweet. James has taken all these years and has customized his truck to fit him. New paint job, new seats, tiny little details. He LOVES his truck. It really made me smile he was willing to sell his truck so that me and the baby to have a safer car.
  In the end I told him we dont need a new used car. My corolla is dependable and if he felt safer about me traveling with the baby I would borrow my grandma's car which is higher. My parents and grandma live across the street so between all of us we have 5 automobiles and my dads motorcyle. Plus I don't travel very far so I'm not  driving the streets of kingwood all the time. It was very sweet of him to offer.
Even his co-workers were shocked that he would give up his truck

First Baby Gift

It was so sweet I had told my friend Christina McDonald that I was pregnant and the next day she wrapped a baby book and gave it to me. That was sooooo sweet. Now my baby can have a keepsake of the journey we are about to take together.

First time food aversion

So I am so lucky that I have no morning symptoms. One day when I was going driving to work I was eating one of those snackpack where you dip the cracker/breadstick into cheese. I had gotten about halfway to work and all of a sudden my mouth starts watering and I feel very nausious. Luckily I have a bag and the second I got it I then preceded to get rid of my snack pack. I had amanda in the car and luckily she doesn't get sick when someone pukes. I was able to drive and puke to work. As soon as I got to work I felt alot better and surprisingly I still wanted to eat the rest but I knew better not to.
That was the first time that I had puked during this pregnancy and I know now not to eat those snack packs.

James is going to be a great dad

So I thought that it would take James sometime to get use to the idea of a baby on the way. He had no problem taking the role of dad to be. Some of the cute things he has done.

We saw Fast Five and the main character told her boyfriend she's pregnant and he kissed her. James looks at me and says "Was I suppose to do that" I was like no. It was very cute.

After the doctors appointment he found out that I shouldn't care over 15 pounds. I was doing the laundry and he took it out of my hands and carried it for me.

He offers to make me dinner alot more.

For our 3rd year wedding anniversary he bought be a baby carriage charm for my pandora braclet.

He told me I better read to the baby so it will be smart. ( I was only 6 weeks)

He was cooking bacon and I stole a peice and he asked "Is bacon safe to eat, it's fatty"

He was trying to figure out how to do the babyroom, where to put the crib. I told him we got atleast a couple more months to figure it out.

So he is defiantly taken this pregnacy very well. He will make a wonderful dat.

First Doctors Appt.

8 W 4 D is when this sonogram was taken. We had our first appt. on June 6th. James went with me, I wanted it to be the two of us the first time we got to see our baby. Everything looks good and poor James got the first glimps of what's to come between doctors apt. and delivering. We got to see the tiny heart beat. I was so glad to see a baby. I am not having any symptoms which is great. I am tired more than usual but I welcome that with open arms because I LOVE to sleep. :) The nurse was soooo sweet she made us two copies of the sonogram. I took one home to show everyone and James took it to work and showed all his co-workers.
  Of course being first time parents and having the sonogram  so early it looked like just a blob. I showed Sandy the Ultrasound and she turned it around and then it clicked I actually saw the baby (head,arms,feet) it def. makes a difference when you can see your baby. It was funny when james got home he had put the  picture on the fridge. I then turned it because he didn't know it was the wrong way and he asked why I flipped the picture. I told him and his face lit up as soon as he saw it. He life me actaully got to see the baby. It was so cute he then decided to take the picture back to work to show people the right way. ;).
 I am measureing correctly and I was right the due date is Jan. 12th. the nurse laughed at me when she asked me the first day of my last period. I said I already know it's Jan. 12th and she checked and gave a little chuckle.
  I got back for another sonogram Wed. July 29th. I will be 1 day shy of 3 months :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Telling James

So I kept going back and forth in my mind when and how to tell James. I found out on sunday the 8th and his birthday was friday the 13th. So Thursday during afternoon Sandy said to tell him that night that way he has time to digest. I thought it was a good idea that way he could talk to his friends on his weekly friday night dates in the garage with them.During my break from work I went to the mall and bought a "I love Johnny Cash" Onsie and wrapped it. After I got home from work I told him that he should open up on eof his gifts. He said I don't want to it's not my birthday. I was like come on. So he finally agreed, when he pulled the onsie out it was folded so he didn't see the bottom part. He just kindda stared at it, not getting it. I said we are pregnant. James internalizes everything so he just sat there taking it in. I told him our first doctors appointment is Monday June 6th and the due date should be about Jan. 12th. So finally the cat was out of the bag. Now I couldn't wait to tell my parents.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Guess What !!!!!

I havn't written in a long time because there really wasn't anything to write about. I didn't want to jinx anything. So as of Sunday May 8th I found out that I was 4 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I found out on Mothers Day, what a great day to find out. I havn't told James or my parents yet because I want to wait till Sunday ( A week and 4 days after my missed period) to make sure that I am def. pregnant.
   I decided to take a pregnacy test on Sunday and literally within FIVE SECONDS it came back VERY positive. I thought that it can't be because they say atleast a min to see results. So a couple hours later I took another one and within TEN SECONDS it came back positive. I was excited but I didn't/don't want to get my hopes up. I really wanted to tell my mom  that day (what a great mothers day) but I didn't want to get anyones hopes up till atleast a week after to make sure that it's really happening.
   OMG is it painstakingly hard not to tell anyone. So I waited till Sandy would get home, but she got home late. I was going to tell her monday. I took a picture of the test so that way I can send it out to people when it's safe to tell people. So I went to Sandy's and told her to look at this picture I took, she got this HUGE smile on her face, congratulated me and gave me a hug. She was at work and  I didn't want to keep her long. Plus I was waiting for Christina and Claudia to come get me.
   I also texted my friend Shanon to tell her because I was the very first person she told when she was pregnant with her kids so I wanted to do the same.
            Christina showed up and we were in my room waiting for Claudia and I just handed her the stick and it took her a second and she was like no way and she gave me a huge hug and we teared up. It was so nice. Then Claudia came into the room and I did it the same way and she jumped up and gave me a huge hug and teared up which made me tear up. It was so nice celerbrating with them.  We went on our way to grab Jamaica and they told me I had to tell her because they couldn't not talk about it. So I told Jamaica and she said the funniest thing, she got this huge smile and said "OMG HOW?" We all started cracking up laughing and asked if we really needed to explain it to her (She has FOUR boys) So the girls were planining everything, what SHE (yes they already "KNOW" it's going to be a girl hehe) going to wear, where we will give birth, and everything. What great friends.
   I also couldn't keep it from my friend and neighbor Amanda. Man this is the hardest secret to keep hahaha. Now I am trying to figure out how and when to tell James. Because I really want to tell my parents. I will be 5 weeks tomorrow. So I can't wait to tell them and to let James know. I don't know if I can hold off a month or so telling other people. I just want to share this good news with everyone but I want to make sure everything is ok and we don't lose the baby.
   That's where I am at now wanting to tell the world and having to wait. According to the chinese chart it is suppose to be a girl and my due date should be Thursday January 12th 2012. WOW

Monday, January 10, 2011


So I decided to go ahead and make a family blog, that way anyone who is interested can come and check on how our lifes are going.
   So James and I finally decided after 5 years together (in April) and 3 years married (in may) to try to have a kid. What better time to start a blog then when begining a journey of a family. Plus that way I can look back and remember the little or big things that happen on our way to our new family.
  I am a big believer in what is meant to be is meant to be. I will leave it in Gods hands and see what happens. I am hopeing that this won't be a long process and hope that sometime this year I can meet our little one. Can anyone say baby fever much hehe.
   It is a funny story on how I got James to agree to have kids. Last may (2010) I had bought maturnity insurance but you have a waiting period, they want to make sure your not pregnant when you signed up. I figured it was a 9 month waiting period. So in may I had told James what I did and he agreed in Feb we could try. My friend and neighbor has a 4 month old so this is not helping with  my baby fever. As it's getting closer to January I was wondering to myself what if I got pregnant now, would the insurance null and void my policy. I had decided once the holidays were over I would call the insurance to see when we could try. Low and behold she said we could try whenever. They just wanted to make sure we weren't pregnant when I signed up. I was soooooo excited. Now how to break it to James that we can start trying whenever.
 It was Sunday Janurary 2nd when I had called so I deciede to tell him when we were in bed relaxing. Well that didn't work out. While I was waiting for him to come to be I had fallen asleep. Ok I was bummed but I would try again the next day. So we were laying in bed and I got nervous. James is the typical guy he would wait another 5 years if he could, he wants to have kids when the time is right, he doesn't understand the timing is never right. I finally said "James there is somthing I want to talk to you about". He was like "yeah". I told him "I called the insurance and we could try whenever we wanted. I also said that I didn't want to force this and make it happen, I just wanted it to happen when it happens". His response about 30 seconds of silence. I could tell he was thinking. He then talked about waiting when we can cash a CD we have. I told him that it would work out. I ended the conversation at that. I figured I would let him digest everything.
  So we are now trying to get pregnant. Normally I would'nt want to broadcast it to the world, but I am just soo excited.Whenever we do get pregnant I am going to wait a little bit to make sure we are in the safe zone to tell people, but man that is going to be sooooooo hard.
   So that's where we are at now. Here's hoping to a wonderful 2011 and to new life.